Creative Works
- The re-edited the original AI Gilemma intro
- Movie generated For theinro of talk "The AI Dilemma
- Movie generated with latest AI models For Open Day: IT course Introduction
- Movie of Prompt Eninggering Generated by different sets of AI tools
- Open Day web site for Students to do 'hands-on' practice. note: needs google account login.
- A data engineering book writem with Markdown
Public Talk
Research Areas
- Data Science
- Big Data: See my book:
"Foundation for Big Data Analytics: Concepts, Technologies, Methods and Business" (ISBN: 978-7-03-058148-8)
- Machine Learning
- Web Science
- Knowledge Engineering
Research Grants
- KSF, KSF-A-027, 1,000,000RMB, “Research on intelligent investigation system using deep learning and knowledge graph”. 2019, 9 -
- Suzhou Advanced Tech Research, SYG201840, 50,000, 2018.7.1-2020.6.30. “Doctors’ assistant by advanced Voice recognition and AI technologies”.
- RIBDA grunt 14,000, 2018.1.1-2018.12.31. “Big Data methods for medical record autogeneration”.
- Accenture, LLP (USA), $20,000. 2017.7.1-2019.6.30. “Knowledge network construction and services for knowledge intensive organisations”.
- RIBDA, 24,000. 2017.3.1-2018.2.28. “the effectiveness of TIVAP cancer treatment assessment using BDA”, collaborated with the 2nd General hospital Suzhou.
- 2 RDFs, RDF-11-035, RDF-11-036, (100,000RMB + two studentships worth 700,000RMB). “Big Data Analytical Platform” and “Knowledge Graph Embeddings”, 2017,4-2021,9, 2019.4 – 2022.4
Completed and Continue Research Projects
- “Public Security Case Records understanding with Machine Learning and Knowledge Graph”, Pricinple Onvestigater (PI), 2018-2021, complete.
- “Hearth Records generation and recognition for Medical care”, PI, 2018-2020, Complete.
- "Big Data analytical platform research using multiple agents approaches”, PI, 2017-2021, complete.
- “Tacit Knowledge capture using Knowledge Graph”, PI, 2018-
- “Video content understanding and recommendation”, PI, 2018-
- “Knowledge Graph construction and alignment for knowledge intensive orgnisations”, PI, 2017-2019, complete.
Professional Membership
- IEEE Computer Society
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